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생활습관의학(Lifestyle Medicine)을 연구하고 소개합니다.



근거를 기반으로 한 생활 습관 중재를 통해

건강한 몸, 평화로운 마음, 충만한 정신을 추구합니다. 

개인과 지역 사회의 건강과 행복에 대한 관심과 사랑을 바탕으로
라이프스타일과 혁신적인 의료 모델을 연구하고 적용합니다. 

스스로 건강 개선에 적극적으로 참여하고 커뮤니티가 함께 성장하기 위해
총체적이고 다학제적인 접근을 지향하며, 
개인, 그룹 및 조직을 새로운 차원의 웰니스로 끌어올리는 것을 목표로 합니다. 



Welcome to our blog about lifestyle medicine, a community-based, personalized approach to healthy living. We are excited to introduce you to a new model of healthcare that introduces innovative wellness programs. These programs aim to take individuals, groups, and organizations to new levels of wellness through lifestyle interventions. 

We believe that everyone deserves personalised care, and we are committed to a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to health and wellness. We envision people taking an active role in improving their own health, and communities thriving together. Our vision is to achieve this through a deep concern and love for the health and well-being of our community.

Evidence-ased wellness programs are applied to personal growth, improving the health of populations, and enhancing employee well-being within organizations. By delving deeper into each pillar of the new healthcare model and sharing success stories, we hope to unlock the potential for health and happiness.